Christmas is a special time of celebration; our Savior has come to this earth! Family and friends gather together to be with one another. We enjoy all kinds of food and gifts and Christmas worship services where we sing beloved carols of praise to our king.

Looking back at 2019, we can say thank God for His provision through you, our faithful partners. God Bless You!
Were there challenges? Many. But God has helped us every step of the way.
Together we were able to get small shipments of food and health care products into Venezuela. Friends, that is a miracle! Food was also sent to Iraq, Syrian Refugees, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, Malawi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Mexico, Ukraine and Zambia. We partnered with wonderful ministries and people already on the ground in those countries ready to help the poor and needy.

The children of the world need people like you and ministries like ours to reach out in tenderness and love to alleviate their suffering coming into this year of 2020. Friend, will you help?
Hebrews 6:10 says “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Would you send a special gift at this time? Your timely support means so much to so many.
We need sacrificial gifts of $100.00 or more to advance the work of the Lord blessing these little ones. Please prayerfully consider your best gift.
Many the God of heaven bring blessing to you during this Christmas season. Thank you!