Back page news. That is what all news eventually becomes. No matter how big it was. No matter how historic it might have been. No matter how pressing the issue ever became. Eventually, something replaces the main story on the front page. Over time it goes on to the second page and third page and so on until it reaches the back page and maybe even out of circulation.It seems this is what has happened with the country of Venezuela.
At one time they were front page news with political unrest, fuel shortages and people facing starvation. After a few months of COVID-19, politics in the U.S., hurricanes down south and forest fires raging out west, Venezuela is almost never mentioned let alone given a headline. Has their situation changed for the better? Unfortunately not. The government is still in turmoil. People still wait for days to buy even a few liters of fuel. And more people than ever are facing severe food shortages and malnutrition.
Feeding The Nations has continued to send pallets of food, hygiene products, vitamins, whey protein packs and meal bars with the help of our faithful donors. We know the need is still there and growing. Together, we have not forgotten the people of Venezuela!
As the pictures show, people are being fed nutritious meals and encouraged with the hope of Jesus Christ. Our partner, Pastor C., despite living in the same situation as his fellow countrymen, has continued to help however he can. His desperate plea to us is from a painful heart. He asks that we please “send whatever you can as so many people have nothing.” He is giving the supplies to people in his church, people on the city streets and people in the rural villages, to the young and to the elderly.
Today please help by sending “whatever you can” so that the people in Venezuela know they are not ‘back page news’ but they are in our hearts and on our minds. We cannot forget our brothers and sisters at a time when their need is at its greatest.

Feeding The Nations is sending another load to Venezuela next week. Can you help? Thank you. Your generosity brings life and hope to those who have nothing.