Thanksgiving is right around the corner! This is one of my favorite times of year, but I realize for many, this Thanksgiving season will be hard. There is so much happening in our world today domestically and overseas. We are watching tragedy unfold right before our eyes. Many people feel overwhelmed.
In times like these, we turn to God’s word for comfort and direction. Matthew 24:14 tells us, “This Gospel will be preached in the whole world, to all nations, then the end will come.” What do we do while we are waiting?
In Luke 19:11-26, Jesus told the parable of the talents divided to the servants. At the end of verse 13 Jesus simply says in His illustration, “Do business till I come.” Our time on earth is short. What do we do with the time given us? Doing nothing, produces nothing.
We do the work the Lord has called us to. Humanity is suffering, our world is suffering, but we can give hope. The hope of the Gospel and the physical help of food and supplies shows that someone cares.

Because of your generous donations, Feeding the Nations has been able to send assistance to families displaced due to war in Ukraine. Your donations continue to provide hot meals, clothing, diapers, and groceries to families in need. Thank you!
Because of your generosity, families in Israel who have been devastated by war are being cared for. Thank you! Sadly, these heartbreaking situations are not over. Families in Ukraine still need help, families in Israel, the same. Your continued giving will continue to make a difference.
We have received an urgent request from Malawi. Crops this past season failed due to lack of rain. Prices for maize, the staple of their diet, have skyrocketed and the people are desperate. The rice meals they had are gone. Thankfully a container is on its way, but friend, this is not enough. We hope to send another container in December. Will you help? The shipping cost is over $10,000. Can you give today?
This time of Thanksgiving we are thankful for you. We’re so grateful for your prayers and support. Our prayer for you and your family is a peaceful blessed Thanksgiving season. God bless you for your heart of compassion and generosity.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17
Yours for the nations,