As 2024 comes to a close, there is still time to make an impact with year-end giving. Thank you for what you’ve sown this year. Thousands of families were impacted, thousands of lives were changed, hope was restored, and the love of Christ shared.

We’re looking forward to even more missions in 2025 and we need your continued partnership. We’ve already had requests from Malawi, Sudan, Israel and Ukraine—places where there is famine, starvation, political unrest, and war. Will you help us reach the lost, hurting, and hungry with the hope of the Gospel and the tangible love of God felt through food? A wise African leader once told me, “Empty bellies have no ears.” How true that statement is. But, when we give food, we can come alongside God’s people who are there, on the ground, sharing the Good News of the Gospel, the Hope of Christ. Will you join us?
My wife, Diane and I and our staff here at Feeding The Nations thank you. We pray your 2025 is overflowing with the goodness of God. Bless you.
Yours for the hungry,

Steve and Diane