In partnership with the Denton program, Feeding The Nations was able to ship food at no cost to Dominican Republic. The food was essential to meeting the needs of the extremely poor communities on the North Coast. The majority of the food was distributed to communities created to work for the sugar cane company that is no longer operating.
There are more than 1000 families in these communities and over 4000 children. They are isolated and live about 1-5 miles from the nearest town. The majority of the adults had no education past primary school and were solely dependent on the sugar cane industry. Today, 90% of the families live on less than $250 a month and have 3 or more children. The ministry we worked with has implemented an education and skills training program to improve employment opportunities for these families.

Two other organizations that have benefited from this shipment assist women and children fleeing domestic violence as well as indigenous families. We were blessed to partner with these ministries bringing hope and the love of Christ to those who desperately need it!