Hello Friend,
The global pandemic has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives all across our nation and the nations of the world. Friends, things are difficult here in the United States, but they are much more difficult in second and third world nations where there is no government aid. The impact of this pandemic will be felt by the poor and destitute for many months to come.
The UN warns that due to the global coronavirus pandemic millions around the world will be suffering from starvation in the near future. Their exact words were famines of “Biblical proportions”. The World Food Program, in an address to the UN, warned that in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, many nations around the world are also facing a hunger pandemic.
What should we do? What can we do?

We can help! We can work together to alleviate suffering.
We told you about Venezuela, and you responded. Thank you! Your donations literally saved lives that would have been lost due to malnutrition and lack of food. We’re pleased to report that another shipment is on its way to Venezuela right now. During this pandemic, your donations have made it possible to send food not only to Venezuela but to Zambia, Honduras, Afghanistan, Iraq and right here in Indiana and Michigan as well.
But friend, we need to do much more. The need is so great. Many people around the world need food. They are starving.
I know things are hard here right now. Maybe you can’t give what you would like to. Maybe you can’t give what you would normally give, but can you give something? Every bit helps. Thank you. Thank you for your compassion. Thank you for your prayers. My wife Diane and I are praying for you, for your health and for your safety.
For the hungry,
Stephen and Diane Sumrall