We want to honor and thank all the moms and women who have cared for us, influenced us, and shaped our lives.
Thank you!
Today, in honor of Mother’s Day, and all the sacrifices moms make, we want to tell Rose’s story.

Rose is a precious mama with four beautiful babies. Rose and her husband are
both blind and live with their children in a rural village in southern Malawi.
It is difficult for the blind to access education, find employment, and be accepted by society in Malawi. Rose and her husband, Jafeti are among approximately 136,000 blind people in Malawi, 80% of whom suffered from cataracts or glaucoma and would have sight today had they received adequate health care.
Rose had the opportunity as a child to attend a school for the blind and her success qualified her for secondary school. Unfortunately she was unable to complete due to a shortage of school fees. Begging from village to village has become normal practice for Rose. She admits it is a hard life, but she has no alternative – she must find food for her children.
Rose has connected with our partners in Malawi, Iris Africa. Her family now receives food assistance. Since receiving the food, Rose has said she feels great relief. It means that Rose can stay home with her children, encouraging them to concentrate on their education. She has hope for their future.
Thank you. Because of your giving, the burdens of mamas, grandmas, aunts, sisters, all over the world are being eased. Being a mother is a difficult job in the best of circumstances. We want to come alongside mamas who are not in the best of circumstances and lift them up. Can you imagine the soul crushing reality of not having enough food for your babies? Help us bring hope this Mother’s Day.
Rose prepared a thank you letter in Braille, you can read it, along with more of her story, here.
Thank you for your donations. Please join with us to help other mothers around the world give a brighter future to their babies. Consider becoming a monthly partner. You can give through our donate page, or text to give. Text myftn and the dollar amount to 28950.
Thank you.